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Message # 23 Date: 11/26/2000 4:04:41pm 
Name: Frédéric VION E-Mail: flofred.chisinvion@libertysurf.fr
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Location: France (Paris)
Hello ! thanks you for this site. I wish to see Popol Vuh or Florian Fricke "live" anywhere in Europe. Is someone can tell me any information about that ? Many thanks.

Message # 22 Date: 11/24/2000 9:48:37pm 
Name: Pasquale Cascone E-Mail: evagrio@libero.it
Homepage Title: Computer Paradise
Homepage URL: www.computerpardesh.vstorecomputers.com
Location: Naples,Italy
Salve a tutti, veramente una lodevole iniziativa questa di fare un sito dedicato ai grossi PV!!!Il sito mi sembra abbastanza completo ed essenziale,anche se alcuni links non sono attivati. Mi riprometto di farmi vivo più in là poichè ora ho cose impellenti da dover affrontare. A presto. Pasquale

Message # 21 Date: 09/28/2000 3:38:36am 
Name: F. Barthel E-Mail: f_barthel@yahoo.de
Homepage Title: Neuschnee!
Homepage URL: home.beseen.com/hobbies/neuschnee
Location: Germany
Finally I found a website about Florian Fricke's Popol Vuh, one of the best German groups of all time. I think they were buried long enough and it's time to discover this beauty again. I'm especially fond of Affenstunde and In den Gärten Pharaos because I love the sound Fricke got out of his Moog synthesizer. But his later work is just as great as these, especially Einsjäger und Siebenjäger. I really love this site and I just put a link to it on my own website about the 70s German duo NEU! Thank you!

Message # 20 Date: 07/28/2000 9:21:52pm 
Name: marc E-Mail: caislean@gmx.de
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hello, this is a very interesting site. i realized you have lack of informations about the popol vuh-movies. how can i halp youfacts about their movie-productions? hear you, marc

Message # 19 Date: 06/16/2000 2:10:56am 
Name: Carmine Pescatore E-Mail: carpes@freemail.it
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Location: Portici (Napoli)
E' stata una piacevolissima sorpresa vedere che i Popol Vuh hanno un sito. Grazie per averci pensato a tutti quelli che lo curano.

Message # 18 Date: 05/27/2000 3:10:38am 
Name: Michael Harmsworth E-Mail: michaelharmsworth@yahoo.com
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Location: England
Thank you, thank you, thank you for the site! I was beginning to think that I was the only person who even knew PV existed! I'm not quite sure what I should write here - I've never been moved to write to a web site before. All I can say at the moment is that as the 7th, 8th, 10th and 11th visitor to the site I feel that I should lend you my support. It was also good to know that (apart from a few compilations of already available stuff) I've got everything PV and FF have ever released (including the virtually impossible to find [in England at least] 'Messa di Orfeo'). Well, I'd love to speak to you guys soon (and anyone else into PV), but for now I'll just say again that I'm so pleased that you exist.

Message # 17 Date: 03/25/2000 10:52:55pm 
Name: Klaus Nolting E-Mail: klausnolting.boreas@gmx.de
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Location: Germany
Well, I'm listening to Popol Vuh since the release of "Affenstunde", and that's a long run now. Still thrilled by new records with this magical name on it, not always totally satisfied, but glad that Florian Fricke still sticks to it. My favourite PV-record - and one of my favourite records in general, that means, for over 25 years - is the ever beautiful "Hosianna Mantra". Bye--.

Message # 16 Date: 01/03/2000 4:27:01pm 
Name: Tiziana E-Mail: hosianna@tin.it
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Location: Piacenza
Ciao! Che voi ci crediate o no io ho 17 anni e i Popol Vuh mi hanno letteralmente stregata! Questo sito è davvero bello per essere il primo che visito, è abbastanza completo e soprattutto colorato!Amo anche tanti altri gruppi, io mi ci ritrovo benissimo in "quegli anni"....magici..ciao a tutti!

Message # 15 Date: 11/24/1999 5:06:56pm 
Name: Heiko Heerssen E-Mail: heiko.heerssen@hwwa.de
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Location: Germany
To my surprise I found the new "Messa di Orfeo" CD in a local record shop today. I didn't know that Popol Vuh has released yet another album but bought it right away without listening to it first. As usual I think it will be another great sound adventure, it looks very promising. Good to know that Florian Fricke is still around, without a shadow of a doubt he's one of the very best musicians in the world.

Message # 14 Date: 11/05/1999 4:34:21am 
Name: stanz E-Mail: stanz@iol.it
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C'è un nuovo disco di Florian Fricke e Popol Vuh, "MESSA DI ORFEO", colonna sonora di una installazione fatta a Molfetta (Bari) durante il festival "Time Zones" del 1998. I Popol Vuh appaiono qui in una formazione con Guillermina De Gennaro e Maya Rose alle voci. (Spalax CD 14562) saluti s.

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